I like what I wrote. Big, beefy, analytical posts about video games and some stories that are refreshingly different for this blog. When was the last time I wrote about food and didn't complain about something, anyhow?
- Retrospective: September 2013
- Why I Play Terrible Games, Part 1
- Why I Play Terrible Games, Part 2
- Heard an Encouraging Word
- Absence Makes the Player Go Wander!
- The Joy of an Apple
A fair amount of time but not a lot of effort went into my contributions to gaming website GameCola.net—which is not to say that I was lazy, but rather that I was having too much fun for any of it to feel like work. A solid podcast, bad fanfiction, and one of the shortest and (hopefully) funniest posts I've released in a long time made for an enjoyable month.
- Fabricated News: Indie Developer Making New Game Without Kickstarter Funding
- GC Podcast #66: Podcasting Outside the Mainstream
- [NSFW] Hacks'n'Slash #4: Metroid High School
Yeah, don't ever complain about me taking too long to make videos again. When I put aside everything else and commit to recording one continuous take (or a couple smaller takes in the event of a technological or verbal calamity), I can crank out new videos as quickly as anybody else. Though my Mega Man 7 recording went on hold, I spent some quality time with the oft-ignored remake of one of my all-time favorite games, releasing most of what appears to be the first full playthrough of this game on the entire Internet. Considering the cult following of the original and the fact that the remake has been around for well over a decade, this is positively shocking to me. Minimal editing and little or no re-recording means both the gameplay and the commentary aren't as polished as my usual fare, but it's been an interesting experiment to try my hand at a more conventional Let's Play. In addition to this massive amount of new footage, one of the last pieces of the Mega Man marathon my buddy and I played in 2012 made its way to YouTube, and it's one I've been looking forward to.
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 1: Dragonia Seized Them and Hurled
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 2: Stom-ping on My Pride
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 3: (Queen's) Stone, Cold, Cave Key
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 4: Ice Bridges Are All the Rage
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 5: Uncomfortably Numb
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 6: Goa 'Round in Circles
- Crystalis (GBC) - Part 7: So Joss Whedon, George R.R. Martin, and Steven Moffat Walk Into Shyron...
- Megathon 2012: Mega Man 9 (Wii) - Part II
So I caved and took advantage of a Good Old Games super-sale to pick up one adventure game I'd been meaning to try. Otherwise, serious progress in the battle against an excessive backlog of unplayed and unfinished video games! For the first time in a long time, I found myself alternating between brand-new games and ones I'd already beaten but never got around to 100%ing. Incidentally, "100%ing" is a term that works better in spoken language than in writing.
- Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (PC)
- King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (PC)
- Tomb Raider II (PC)
- EarthBound Zero (NES)
- King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (PC)
- EarthBound Zero (NES)
- King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (PC)
- Mega Man X7 (PS2)
- Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (PC)