I'm trying to get back into blogging more regularly. This is what that looks like:
- Retrospective: July 2015
- Let's Be Sophisticated
As I continue to spend most of my GameCola time on porting old podcasts to YouTube, my contributions continue to be fluffy.
- Q&AmeCola: Favorite Character Customization System
- GC Podcasts #7-9 on YouTube: It’s the R-Rated Birthday, GameCola!
- GC Podcasts #10-12 on YouTube: Cap’n Paul’s Big Beard Preview
Fans of my videos know that I'm very, very slow when it comes to producing new video content. Hopefully, that's about to change. Now that I've got a computer setup that works for livestreaming gameplay, I'm trying my hand at a "Let's Play" format that guarantees I won't spend months perfecting my technique and finessing every bit of commentary. My long-dormant Twitch channel is finally becoming active, and I'm uploading my livecasts to a new YouTube channel exclusively for live events.
Flashman85 LIVE:
- Preserved for Posterity: My First Solo Livecast Test
- Mega Man Legacy Collection: Let's See If It's Worth $14.99!
- Podcast #31: Metroid; or, Don’t Go Camping with Nathaniel
- Podcast #33: 3D Games
- Podcast #35: It’s Pronounced “Episodic”
With my wrist healed to the point where I can play video games again without making funnier faces than usual, I'm back to playing games as my primary mode of relaxation. Or self-frustration, as the case tends to be whenever I play anything for the exposure more than for the fun. I officially dislike the mechanics of TwinBee, and I think I'm too old to appreciate collectathons like Banjo-Kazooie the way I used to, but I still recognize why the game is so well loved. Mega Man 5 was an evening of "comfort gaming" and a way of compensating for spending most of the month crossing one big game off my backlog; it's the Wii Virtual Console release, so it totally counts as a game I haven't played before.
Of course, the latest addition to my collection was what prompted me to get into livestreaming (again); a lot of people were on the fence about the Mega Man Legacy Collection, and though I bought it mostly to encourage Capcom to make more Mega Man, I figured it'd be a good public service (and good publicity!) to give my viewers a tour of the collection. Recognizing that I can only mark Mega Man 5 as Completed so many times on my Backloggery, and because the Achievements and bonus content make the collection so much more than just the six NES games, I decided not to break up the individual gameplay components for my backlog.
- Mega Man Legacy Collection (Steam)
- 3D Classics: TwinBee (VCH)
- Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
- Mega Man 5 (VC)
- Mega Man Legacy Collection (Steam)
- 3D Classics: TwinBee (VCH)
- Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
- Mega Man 5 (VC)
- 3D Classics: TwinBee (VCH)
- Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
- Mega Man 5 (VC)