That being said, I've now reached the point where my illness is either the spontaneous development of allergies or my own inability to recall what being healthy should feel like. For all intents and purposes, though, I'm well again. The past several weeks have given me a lot of perspective, and I suspect I'll look back on this sometime in the future and acknowledge April as the catalyst for a lot of positive change in my life.
The first half of the month was a lost cause. The second half of the month was devoted to a monster post that'll get out the door as soon as I'm done removing and rewriting entire sections of it.
- Retrospective: March 2014
- Sick Month
Speaking of monster posts that'll get out the door as soon as I'm done removing and rewriting entire sections of lone contribution to obscurity-centric gaming website was one I started back in November. The games I enjoy the most are always the hardest to write about, because I have an easier time breaking down why a game is objectively bad than objectively good. Not that objectivity necessarily needs to have anything to do with it, but I'm a strong proponent of understanding why you feel a certain way about something—"THIS GAME IS AWESOME!" makes me look like a dweeb if I don't have anything to back up my feelings that could be appreciated by someone who hates the game.
- Space Quest: Vohaul Strikes Back
I almost didn't release an April Fools' gag this year due to the circumstances, but I managed to pull something together at the last minute, and I'm glad I did. Poor planning on my part (I forgot to ask one of my voice actors to record a key cutscene, and then he had a baby) and the practical ramifications of trying to record with a terrible cough delayed my Mega Man 7 playthrough for another month, but I did end up recording all but about a minute of it. To fill the void, I called on the time-tested tactic of repurposing old audio recordings as YouTube videos with a static picture in the background, and began releasing the Final Fantasy-themed RPG podcast I wrote and ran for the GameCola staff.
- [April Fools'] An Un-X-pected Interlude
- Final Fantasy RPGcast - Part 1: The Best Heroes Breakfast Can Buy
- Final Fantasy RPGcast - Part 2: Monster Mash
Doesn't look like I was up to much in April, but I spent all my time with three fairly long games. For once, pursuing 100% completion—even if I'll need to replay two of these games to see everything I missed due to my chosen class, gender, and alignment—feels worth it.
- Mass Effect 2 (Origin)
- Mass Effect (Origin)
- Wario World (GCN)
- Wario World (GCN)