Not that I've ever felt restricted writing for Exfanding. The way I look at it, there's a place for everything I want to write. Anything related to video games that's more for an audience than it is for me, I submit to GameCola. All other manner of geekery goes to Exfanding. Anything else outside the realm of my fandoms and hobbies (or anything personal, or anything especially mundane) typically goes into my private journal, unless I think there's a good story or message to it that's better shared with the public, in which case I find a way to make it work on Exfanding.
Realistically, I don't need a personal blog at this juncture—but my co-blogger on Exfanding has been busy with other endeavors for the last four months, and in his absence, what has always been a team effort has been gradually turning into my personal blog. For now, this is just a way to keep writing without altering the identity of a blog that's only half mine to begin with. Once Exfanding returns from hiatus, we'll see where things stand; perhaps a personal blog will be a nice addition to my normal writing rotation. A catch-all, if you will, for anything that doesn't fit as well anywhere else. We'll see.