Right, because I remember the part of the book of Revelation that warns about the cutie mark of the beast.
As you may recall, my wife and I recorded a blind playthrough of Mega Pony, a fan-made PC game that very successfully crosses Mega Man with My Little Pony. Initial reactions to the videos ranged from bewildered to enthusiastic, but the general response was positive, regardless of people's opinions on ponies. Suddenly, I'm receiving one harsh comment after another from people who hate My Little Pony, think the Mega Man franchise is being destroyed by association, and have nothing but contempt for anyone who even sympathizes with fans of the show. Senator McCarthy, your legacy is alive and well.
So you don't like the show. Fine. So you're tired of seeing ponies slapped over top of everything anyone has ever loved (seriously, try Googling "My Little Pony" with any other noun and see how long it takes until you don't get any valid hits). Fine. Gripe about those things if you have to; don't swear at me in all caps, scream about how awful this well-designed game is because it exists at all, and disrespect the fans who have gone out of their way to be polite to you despite your arrogant comments. I've dealt with plenty of trolls and have seen plenty of arguments on the Internet, but such violent contempt for an uplifting cartoon about friendship and happiness is startling and does not speak well to the future of our species.
Maybe everyone would calm down if I spontaneously burst into a song about thinking before you speak and being kind to others. That works in real life, doesn't it?